Welcome to my list of the best sports video games ever! If 29 isn’t enough for you, back up and start at the B List: 14 Games That Are Good, But Not Great.
A few rules, hence the asterisk:
- I’m only covering the big five team sports: hockey, basketball, football, baseball, and soccer.
- I’m only including games on popular home consoles between Sega Genesis and PS3/Xbox 360 (sorry Blades of Steel on NES).
- Some games represent the whole series on a given console. For example, Madden 2005 represents all of Madden in the PS2/Xbox generation.
- Note that the list isn’t the greatest sports video games of all time. It’s the best. I’m not considering the games’ popularity, nostalgia factor, historical significance, or influence on other games. I’m only considering how fun they are to play today.
Off we go!

29. NHL 2K6
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2005 by 2K Sports
Grade: B+
2K tried like hell to compete with EA’s NHL series, and this is the closest they came. Despite some dumb issues that plagued the entire series, 2K6 stands out with frantic simulation action that has a distinct hockey-like flavor to it. Full review: NHL 2K6

28. World Series Baseball 2K3
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2002 by Sega
Grade: B+
This game has solid gameplay that’s a bit short on realism but not on fun. It’s easy to play but also deep. The series declined in the PS2/Xbox generation as 2K tried harder and harder and made worse games. Full review: World Series Baseball 2K3

27. FIFA 99
PlayStation 1, Nintendo 64
Released in 1998 by EA Sports
Grade: B+
This game feels like a supercharged high-scoring arcade game today, but in its time was one of the most sophisticated sports games anyone had ever seen. It’s fast, high-scoring, and easy to control, yet still feels a lot like soccer. Full review: FIFA 99

26. NBA Hang Time
Nintendo 64
Released in 1997 by Midway
Grade: B+
In the years following NBA Jam’s initial run on 16-bit consoles, there were a bunch of follow-ups and clones, but Hang Time is the only one that’s any good. It adds a few gameplay elements and feels chunkier than original Jam, a good time in its own cool way. Full review: NBA Hang Time

25. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
Super Nintendo
Released in 1994 by Nintendo
Grade: B+
It’s the only arcade baseball game on the list. It makes the most of the retro, simple-as-it-gets formula, moving fast as hell and full of cartoony charm. Full review: Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball

24. MVP Baseball 2005
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2005 by EA Sports
Grade: B+
This game blew people away at the time, showing how deep and detailed a baseball simulation could be. It uses a version of the pitching meter later adopted by The Show, and it’s got extensive options in gameplay and franchise mode. Some people look at it with rose-tinted glasses these days, but it’s still worth playing. Full review: MVP Baseball 2005

23. Madden NFL 95
Sega Genesis
Released in 1994 by EA Sports
Grade: B+
EA’s simple formula for 16-bit football plays nice and smooth in this installment. It’s the first Madden game without those annoying passing windows. It’s basic by today’s standards, with only three buttons and slim playbooks, but it’s fun! Full review: Madden NFL 95

22. NCAA Football 14
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2013 by EA Sports
Grade: A-
The last college football game has a lot of razzle dazzle to go with its genuine college gameplay. The EA football engine was a bit unrefined at this point though, so the game is marred by little issues. It’s pretty overpriced these days: around $60, last time I checked. Full review: NCAA Football 14

21. NHL 07
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2006 by EA Sports
Grade: A-
This game straddles the arcade-sim line while using the weirdest control scheme ever. NHL 2004 is notable for introducing “skill stick” controls that totally changed hockey games, but I prefer the oddball NHL 07 edition, which is refreshingly smooth, dynamic, fast, and fun. Full review: NHL 07

20. Major League Baseball 2K13
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2013 by 2K Sports
Grade: A-
After years of flawed, misguided games, 2K finally got it together toward the end of their baseball run. This game has a fantastic baseball-like feel. The controls are odd, with pitching “gestures” on the right stick, but you can adjust them and a million other things. Unfortunately, 2K never stood a chance against The Show. Full review: Major League Baseball 2K13

19. NCAA Basketball 10
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2009 by EA Sports
Grade: A-
It’s the last college basketball video game ever, and it appeases basketball purists with the challenge of using actual basketball strategies. It’s got some issues, but it’s an impressively realistic depiction of college hoops. I’m not sure why EA couldn’t make NBA games this good. Full review: NCAA Basketball 10

18. Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
PlayStation 2
Released in 2006 by Konami
Grade: A-
I doubt most American gamers were even aware of Konami’s soccer series at this time. This has deep controls on par with FIFA, but slightly snappier, up-tempo action. It’s fun and challenging, somehow injecting a dose of excitement to a tactics-heavy soccer game. Full review: Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007

17. Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
Super Nintendo
Released in 1995 by Tecmo
Grade: A-
Here’s my very unpopular opinion: The later Tecmo games are actually better than the classic early ones. This game has simple, side-view Tecmo gameplay, slowed down and coated in its own brand of charm. Full review: Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition

16. FIFA Soccer 08
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2007 by EA Sports
Grade: A-
Simulation soccer was getting really interesting around this time, with a huge set of controls and AI that makes the game feel natural. In the PS2/Xbox generation, we were just getting a peek into the greatness to come later, but you can still go back to this game and have a lot of fun. Full review: FIFA Soccer 08

15. MLB 10: The Show
PlayStation 2
Released in 2010 by Sony Entertainment America
Grade: A
The Show series really grew up into a solid baseball sim in the PS2 days. This version provides a dynamic, rich baseball experience that’s not far behind the more impressive-looking later versions. Full review: MLB 10: The Show

14. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo
Released in 1995 by Acclaim and Midway
Grade: A
The early NBA Jam games blew away all the clumsy basketball sims of their time, simplifying the rules and strategies and adding spectacular dunks and sparkly presentation. These games are still a lot of fun today. Full review: NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

13. NBA Jam: On Fire Edition
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2011 by EA Sports
Grade: A
Although the reboot NBA Jam games retain the spirit of the originals, they present new challenges with tightened gameplay and they absolutely light up the screen with style. Full review: NBA Jam: On Fire Edition

12. Madden NFL 17
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2016 by EA Sports
Grade: A
Gamers complain mercilessly about Madden’s modern stretch of games. The game may not have changed enough year by year, but it slowly matured into a good final product by the end of the PS3/Xbox 360 era, with fluid action, nice graphics, and intuitive control. Full review: Madden NFL 17

11. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2014 by Konami
Grade: A
This game marks a drastic move toward natural, realistic soccer for the Pro Evo series. It manages to retain Konami’s crisp controls while incorporating organic physics and low-scoring, genuine soccer. It’s also the prettiest sports game I’ve ever seen. Full review: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

10. All-Pro Football 2K8
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2007 by 2K Sports
Grade: A+
It’s perhaps my most generous A+ grade. Despite some gameplay flaws and no NFL license, the action strikes a distinct football-like chord, with certain football concepts well-depicted like you won’t see in Madden. Full review: All-Pro Football 2K8

9. NHL Hitz 2003
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2002 by Midway
Grade: A+
This is the only arcade style game I’ve given an A+. Its 3-on-3 brand of hockey is well in sync with itself, offering just the right speed, controls, and AI to make for a total blast that’s more tactical and challenging than you get from other arcade games. Full review: NHL Hitz 2003

8. NBA 2K13
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2012 by 2K Sports
Grade: A+
It took developers forever to get simulation basketball right, but it sure was sweet once they did. This game does a great job packing in all of basketball’s subtle beauties and depth. It’s a great challenge to learn moves and manage team strategies. Full review: NBA 2K13

7. NHL ’94
Sega Genesis
Released in 1993 by EA Sports
Grade: A+
It’s the “magic recipe” sports game, undeniably lovable and easy to play. The original NHL Hockey was a stroke of brilliance by EA, with responsive controls and simple depictions of hockey physics. Then it took them just two years to refine the gameplay and strike gold with this, one of the most celebrated sports games ever. Full review: NHL ’94
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2004 by 2K Sports
Grade: A+
It’s 2K’s last NFL game before EA acquired the exclusive license. People still praise this game’s realistic physics, dynamic passing game, and organic football-like feel. I tend to think people have rose-tinted glasses on regarding this game when they call it the best football game ever, but when you’re deep into it, it’s hard to disagree. Full review: ESPN NFL 2K5

5. FIFA Soccer 12
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2011 by EA Sports
Grade: A+
After years of engine overhauls and subtle improvements, the FIFA series grew into a soccer sim that captures the spirit of soccer, yet manages to be a fun video game. It’s tough to choose my favorite version, but FIFA 12 introduced new, advanced physics and smart AI. Full review: FIFA Soccer 12

4. MLB 13: The Show
PlayStation 3
Released in 2013 by Sony Computer Entertainment
Grade: A+
Over time, The Show basically became the perfect baseball sim. The game logic is deep and realistic, allowing you to play baseball intuitively and be rewarded for smart strategy. Once the series got a few years into its PS3 run, the graphics became gorgeous, so you can actually stare at them for the many hours you’ll spend playing the game. Full review: MLB 13: The Show

3. NCAA Football 06
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2005 by EA Sports
Grade: A+
Enhancing the great Madden engine of the PS2/Xbox generation to play more like college football, this game strikes just the right balance. It feels unpredictable and wild and organic, but still contained and easy to handle. I never went crazy for college football video games until I played this one. Full review: NCAA Football 06

2. Madden NFL 2005
PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in 2004 by EA Sports
Grade: A+
This game just gets video football right. The engine is fair and realistic, without being unnecessarily tricky. The game favors smart tactics and deliberate actions, so the chess match of football is placed firmly in your hands. It’s got large playbooks, many options, a great control scheme, and sharp presentation. Full review: Madden NFL 2005

1. NHL Legacy Edition
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Released in 2015 by EA Sports
Grade: A+
This extremely well-tuned hockey simulation captures the frantic, gritty nature of hockey and uses the most brilliantly intuitive control scheme ever. It looks crystal clear, it has a million options, and you’ll never play the same game twice. Full Review: NHL Legacy Edition
Published October 23, 2019
Updated July 22, 2022
Still want more?! Check out the B list, 14 games that just missed the cut.